Tag Archives: green powder

Vitamineral Green – My Favourite Greens Supplement AND GIVEAWAY!

I have mentioned on here a few times how much I love drinking my daily green juice.  The benefits of daily juicing are such that if I go even a few days without my green juice I notice that I start feeling a bit blah.  I have written about daily juicing and shared some tips and recipes  here.

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you might have noticed that I have posted a few times about a greens supplement that I use called Vitamineral Green.  It is a wonderful product which adds even more oomph to my green juice and in the 9 months that I have been taking it I have really noticed a positive impact on my general well being.  I suffered a nasty calf injury last June and I believe that my recovery which has been so effective is in part due to the nutrients that this supplement enables my body to take on a daily basis.

For more information on this and the many other wonderful products available through Balanced Living check out Balanced Living Oz’s website here.  If you email Balanced Living Oz (info@balancedlivingoz.com) to order and mention ‘The Shrinking Hubby’ you will receive free shipping for the month of February.  (You can order directly through their website but to qualify for the free shipping you need to email directly.)   If you don’t live in Australia you can email Balanced Living Oz to find out how to contact your local supplier.  I am excited to announce that I will be giving away 2 X 300 gram bottles of Vitamineral Green!  For information on how to enter see the bottom of this article.

I have asked Danae McDonald, who is the sole distributor in Australia of Vitamineral Green,  to share why she loves this product.

Why take Vitamineral Green

By Danae McDonald

About 10 years ago a Naturopath said to me… with our busy lives and hectic schedules, sometimes it is hard to eat a well rounded nutritional diet. Even with the soil depletion we are not able to gain all the nutrients our body requires.

She said “Danae… if you take nothing else just take Vitamineral Green every day” so I have been taking this amazing supplement for over 10 years and now my 2 boys also love their ‘green juice’ every day. It is an amazing product that not only makes you feel great but also prevents illness in my view. It contains over 30 nutrients from the land, waters and oceans. I love and feel so passionate about the product Balanced Living has been given the exclusive distribution rights for Healthforce Nutritionals in Australia.

These products are in a league of their own… far more nutrient dense and superior to any other product currently available on our shelves. I challenge you to look at what you are currently using as your ‘green powder’ and check for the ingredients that you are paying for but are not actually the expensive greens eg “fillers… like pea protein isolate, flax seed powder, rice bran powder, lecithin, fruits, maca etc….” not bad but certainly NOT green.

Vitamineral Green contains no synthetic or isolated nutrients (ie not excreted as expensive yellow urine) it is 100% Raw, 100% Organic, 100% Vegan, 100% Gluten free with 100% Nutrient protection (Amber glass jar to prevent from outgassing of harmful plastic containers, a unique nutrient lock metal lid and an oxygen absorber).  Importantly it contains no artificial sweeteners.

Essentially it is “Natures Multivitamin” perfectly balanced nutrition packed with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and healing phytonutrients.

“Green foods are perhaps the most healing foods on the planet, and the single most important addition to a diet you can make”

Getting ready to make some green juice with my Vitamineral green

Getting ready to make some green juice with my Vitamineral green

Vitamineral Green Giveaway!

We are very fortunate to have 2 X 300 gram bottles of Vitamineral Green (worth $69.95 each) to give away to my followers.  I am going to give one away through my website and one through my Facebook page.  All you need to do is comment below ‘I’d love to win!’ and I will randomly choose one entry.  To increase your chance of winning make sure you head over to my Facebook page and like and comment on the competition photo there too (it is pinned to the top)!  Hurry – all entries must be in by midnight Friday 28th February – I will select the winner on Saturday 1st March.

I want to point out that I am not affiliated with this product, nor am I making any commission on any sales.  I just like to share what works for me and this product really does.